Do you think what you post on social media should be means for getting kicked off extra curricular activities, because I think it should. I think if you post inappropriate, mean, or insulting comments or posts it should be means for you getting kicked off the team. I believe you should not be rewarded with getting to be on a extra curricular activity if you post something inappropriate, mean, or insulting. I think that before people post something they should think because even if you have a personal account whoever sees it can screenshot it and send it to someone else. You never know who will end up seeing your post and it might end up in the hands of your coach who can kick you off the team. I believe you should be able to post things privately and should be able to be private, but you should not use the advantage of posting privately to be inappropriate, mean, or insulting. In the article, “Teacher’s Facebook Post Didn’t Warrant Firing, A Panel Upholds,” on The New York Times, Andy Newman talks about how Christine Rubino, a fifth grade teacher, took advantage of her right to be private and commented mean comments about her students on Facebook consecutive to a incident that happened when a sixth grade class went on a class outing. She could have been fired. Please comment below on this post and answer the following questions:
Do you think what you post on social media should be means for getting kicked off extra curricular activities? Do you think Christine Rubino should have been fired for what she posted on Facebook?